Flavor + Memories = Comfort

Grilled Cheese with Roasted Tomato Soup

Sourdough with black pepper Tillamook cheese.


While doing some research on dim sum I ran across a recipe for baking a Japanese bread using the Tangzhong Method. I felt a deep need to make this bread, like anything I read about that I haven’t done.

If you Google Tangzhong Method you will see there is no shortage of information or recipes. It starts with bringing water and flour up to 150°, very much like making a roux, but using water and flour only. This mixture then sets overnight under refrigeration. The next day you use it to make the bread dough.

There is some important baking science in action due to this process. The short version is [raw starch is heated in water > starch granules swell in size > amylase leaks out > starch granules collapse > gelatinization occurs > gel is formed when mixture is chilled = moister bread]

I read this on several technical sites:
Starch is a mixture of two carbohydrate polymers, amylose and amylopectin. Different starches contain these two polymers in different proportions. Wheat contains about 25% amylose and 75% amylopectin.

All of this means very little if the bread does not taste great, which you’ll have to believe me until you make it yourself, it is.

Proofing, cutting and forming the tangzhong dough

For some of the small loaves I filled the dough with an English raspberry preserve and Danish gouda cheese.

The finished filled loaves, small rolls and large loaves.